@extends("front/layout.master") @section('title', "$pro->name") @section('meta_tags') @endsection @section('stylesheet') @endsection @section("body")
{{ __('staticwords.Availability') }} :


@php $count = 0; @endphp @if(isset($overallrating)) @if(isset($ratings_var))
{{ round($overallrating,1)}}

{{ __('staticwords.ratetext') }}

@endif @if($pro->w_d !='None' && $pro->w_my !='None' && $pro->w_type !='None')

{{$pro->w_d}} {{ ucfirst($pro->w_my) }} {{ __('staticwords.of') }} {{ $pro->w_type }}


Trust of {{$pro->brand->name}} @if($image = @file_get_contents('images/brands/'.$pro->brand->image)) brandlogo @else brandlogo @endif

@if($pro->selling_start_at <= date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) @else

{{ __('ComingSoon') }}

{{ __('staticwords.tbc') }}
{{ __('staticwords.qty') }}
  @if($pro->offer_price != 0) @endif
@if(isset($cashback_settings) && $cashback_settings->enable == 1) {{ __("Buy now and earn cashback in your wallet ") }} {{ $cashback_settings->discount_type }} @if($cashback_settings->cashback_type == 'fix') {{ sprintf("%.2f", $cashback_settings->discount * $conversion_rate) }} @else {{ $cashback_settings->discount.'%' }} @endif @endif
@php $m=0; @endphp @if(!empty(Session::get('comparison'))) @foreach(Session::get('comparison') as $p) @if($p['proid'] == $pro->id) @php $m = 1; break; @endphp @else @php $m = 0; @endphp @endif @endforeach @endif @if($m == 0) @else @endif @if($pro->catlog != '' && file_exists(public_path().'/productcatlog/'.$pro->catlog)) @endif
@if($pincodesystem == 1)

shoppingbag{{ __('staticwords.deliverytext') }}
{{ __('staticwords.Share') }} :

{{ __('staticwords.otherservices') }}
@if($pro->codcheck == 1)
{{ __('staticwords.podtext') }}
@endif @if($pro->return_avbl == 1)
{{ $pro->returnPolicy->days }} {{ __('staticwords.returndays') }}
{{ __('staticwords.noreturn') }}
@endif @if($pro->free_shipping == 1)
{{config('app.name')}} {{ __('staticwords.freedelivery') }}

@if(isset($pro->commonvars)) @foreach($pro->commonvars as $cvar) @php $attrkey = "_"; @endphp @endforeach
@if (strpos($cvar->attribute->attr_name, $attrkey) == false) {{ $cvar->attribute->attr_name }} @else {{ str_replace('_', ' ', $cvar->attribute->attr_name) }} @endif @if($cvar->attribute->attr_name == "Color" || $cvar->attribute->attr_name == "color" || $cvar->attribute->attr_name == "Colour" || $cvar->attribute->attr_name == "colour")
@else @if(strcasecmp($cvar->provalues->values, $cvar->provalues->unit_value) !=0 && $cvar->provalues->unit_value != null) {{ $cvar->provalues->values }} {{ $cvar->provalues->unit_value }} @else {{ $cvar->provalues->values }} @endif @endif
@endif @php $indexNum = 0; @endphp
@foreach($pro->variants as $key=> $mainvariant) @endforeach
@php $getattrname = App\ProductAttributes::where('id','=',$mainvariant->attr_name)->first(); @endphp @foreach($mainvariant->attr_value as $subvalue) @php $getvaluename = App\ProductValues::where('id','=',$subvalue)->first(); @endphp @foreach($pro->subvariants as $key => $ss) @if(isset($ss->main_attr_value[$getattrname->id]) && $ss->main_attr_value[$getattrname->id] == $getvaluename->id) @if($getvaluename->proattr->attr_name == "Color") values, $getvaluename->unit_value) !=0) title="{{ $getvaluename->values }}" @else title="{{ $getvaluename->values ?? '' }}" @endif attr_id="{{ $getattrname->id }}" @if(isset($getvaluename) && strcasecmp($getvaluename->values, $getvaluename->unit_value) !=0) @if($getvaluename->proattr->attr_name == "Color") valname="{{ $getvaluename->values }}" @else valname="{{ $getvaluename->values }}{{ $getvaluename->unit_value }}" @endif @else valname="{{ $getvaluename->values ?? '' }}" @endif val="{{ $getvaluename->id }}" name="{{ $getattrname->attr_name }}" s="0" id="{{ $getattrname->attr_name }}{{ $getvaluename->id }}" onclick="tagfilter('{{ $getattrname->attr_name }}','{{ $getvaluename->id }}', '{{$indexNum}}')" > @else values, $getvaluename->unit_value) != 0) title="{{ $getvaluename->values }} {{ $getvaluename->unit_value }}" @else title="{{ $getvaluename->values }}" @endif attr_id="{{ $getattrname->id }}" @if(isset($getvaluename) && strcasecmp($getvaluename->values, $getvaluename->unit_value) !=0) @if($getvaluename->proattr->attr_name == "Color") valname="{{ $getvaluename->values }}" @else valname="{{ $getvaluename->values }}{{ $getvaluename->unit_value }}" @endif @else valname="{{ $getvaluename->values ?? '' }}" @endif val="{{ $getvaluename->id }}" name="{{ $getattrname->attr_name }}" s="0" id="{{ $getattrname->attr_name }}{{ $getvaluename->id }}" onclick="tagfilter('{{ $getattrname->attr_name }}','{{ $getvaluename->id }}', '{{$indexNum}}')"> @if(isset($getvaluename) && strcasecmp($getvaluename->values, $getvaluename->unit_value) !=0 && $getvaluename->unit_value != null) {{ $getvaluename->values }} {{ $getvaluename->unit_value }} @else {{ $getvaluename->values ?? '' }} @endif @endif @endif @endforeach @endforeach

{{ __('staticwords.Highlight') }}
{!! $pro->key_features !!}
{{ __('staticwords.FastDelivery') }}

{{ __('staticwords.fastdtext') }}.

{{ __('staticwords.QualityAssurance') }}

{{ __('staticwords.With') }} {{ config('app.name') }} {{ __('staticwords.qtext') }}.

{{ __('staticwords.PurchaseProtection') }}

{{ __('staticwords.PayementGatewaytext') }}

@if($pro->des != '') {!! $pro->des !!} @else

{{ __('No Description') }}


{{ __('Tags') }}: @php $x = explode(',', $pro->tags); @endphp @foreach($x as $tag) {{ $tag }} @endforeach

@foreach($pro->specs as $spec)
{{ $spec->prokeys }}
{{ $spec->provalues }}

{{ __('No Specifications') }}

@auth @php $purchased = App\Order::where('user_id',Auth::user()->id)->get(); $findproinorder = 0; $alreadyrated = $pro->reviews->where('user',Auth::user()->id)->first(); @endphp @if(isset($purchased)) @foreach($purchased as $value) @if($value->main_pro_id != '' && in_array($pro->id, $value->main_pro_id)) @php $findproinorder = 1; @endphp @endif @endforeach @endif @if($findproinorder == 1) @if(isset($alreadyrated))
{{ __('Your Review') }}

@if($alreadyrated->users->image !='') @else @endif

{{ $alreadyrated->users->name }} On {{ date('jS M Y',strtotime($alreadyrated->created_at)) }} @if($alreadyrated->status == 1) {{ __('Approved') }} @else {{ __('Pending') }} @endif

{{ $alreadyrated->review }}

{{ __('staticwords.vall') }}
{{ __('staticwords.recReviews') }}

@php if(!isset($overallrating)){ $overallrating = 0; } @endphp

{{ round($overallrating,1) }}

{{ __('staticwords.OverallRating') }}
@php $review_t = 0; $price_t = 0; $value_t = 0; $sub_total = 0; $sub_total = 0; $reviews2 = App\UserReview::where('pro_id', $pro->id)->where('status', '1')->get(); @endphp @if(!empty($reviews2[0])) @php $count = App\UserReview::where('pro_id', $pro->id)->count(); foreach ($reviews2 as $review) { $review_t = $review->price * 5; $price_t = $review->price * 5; $value_t = $review->value * 5; $sub_total = $sub_total + $review_t + $price_t + $value_t; } $count = ($count * 3) * 5; $rat = $sub_total / $count; $ratings_var2 = ($rat * 100) / 5; @endphp
{{ __('No Rating') }}
{{$count = count($pro->reviews)}} {{ __('Ratings &') }} {{$reviewcount}} {{ __('reviews') }}
{{ $qualityprogress }}%
{{ $priceprogress }}%
{{ $valueprogress }}%


{{ __('staticwords.SatisfiedCustomer') }}

{{ __('staticwords.customerText') }}.

@foreach($pro->reviews->take(5) as $review) @if($review->status == "1")
@if($review->users->image !='') @else @endif

{{ $review->users->name }}

{{ __('On') }} {{ date('jS M Y',strtotime($review->created_at)) }}
{{ $review->review }}

@endif @endforeach
{{ __('staticwords.ratereviewPurchase') }}

@php if(!isset($overallrating)){ $overallrating = 0; } @endphp

{{ round($overallrating,1) }}

{{ __('staticwords.OverallRating') }}
@php $review_t = 0; $price_t = 0; $value_t = 0; $sub_total = 0; $sub_total = 0; $reviews2 = App\UserReview::where('pro_id', $pro->id)->where('status', '1')->get(); @endphp @if(!empty($reviews2[0])) @php $count = App\UserReview::where('pro_id', $pro->id)->count(); foreach ($reviews2 as $review) { $review_t = $review->price * 5; $price_t = $review->price * 5; $value_t = $review->value * 5; $sub_total = $sub_total + $review_t + $price_t + $value_t; } $count = ($count * 3) * 5; $rat = $sub_total / $count; $ratings_var2 = ($rat * 100) / 5; @endphp
{{ __('No Rating') }}
{{$count = count($pro->reviews)}} Ratings & {{$reviewcount}} reviews
{{ $qualityprogress }}%
{{ $priceprogress }}%
{{ $valueprogress }}%


{{ __('staticwords.SatisfiedCustomer') }}

{{ __('staticwords.customerText') }}.

  1 star 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars
{{ __('staticwords.Quality') }} *
{{ __('staticwords.Price') }} *
{{ __('staticwords.Value') }} *
{{ __('staticwords.recReviews') }}

@if(count($pro->reviews)>0) @foreach($pro->reviews->take(5) as $review) @if($review->status == "1")
@if($review->users->image !='') @else @endif

{{ $review->users->name }}

{{ __('On') }} {{ date('jS M Y',strtotime($review->created_at)) }}
{{ $review->review }}

@endif @endforeach @else
{{ __('staticwords.ratetext') }}
@endif @endif @else
{{ __('staticwords.purchaseProText') }}

{{ __('staticwords.recReviews') }}

@if(count($pro->reviews)>0) @if(!isset($overallrating)) @php $overallrating = 0; @endphp @endif

{{ round($overallrating,1) }}

{{ __('staticwords.OverallRating') }}
@php $review_t = 0; $price_t = 0; $value_t = 0; $sub_total = 0; $sub_total = 0; $reviews2 = App\UserReview::where('pro_id', $pro->id)->where('status', '1')->get(); @endphp @if(!empty($reviews2[0])) @php $count = App\UserReview::where('pro_id', $pro->id)->count(); foreach ($reviews2 as $review) { $review_t = $review->price * 5; $price_t = $review->price * 5; $value_t = $review->value * 5; $sub_total = $sub_total + $review_t + $price_t + $value_t; } $count = ($count * 3) * 5; $rat = $sub_total / $count; $ratings_var2 = ($rat * 100) / 5; @endphp
{{ __('No Rating') }}
{{$count = count($pro->reviews)}} Ratings & {{$reviewcount}} {{ __('reviews') }}
{{ $qualityprogress }}%
{{ $priceprogress }}%
{{ $valueprogress }}%


{{ __('staticwords.SatisfiedCustomer') }}

{{ __('staticwords.customerText') }}

@foreach($pro->reviews->take(5) as $review) @if($review->status == "1")
@if($review->users->image !='') @else @endif

{{ $review->users->name }}

{{ __('On') }} {{ date('jS M Y',strtotime($review->created_at)) }}
{{ $review->review }}

@endif @endforeach
{{ __('staticwords.ratetext') }}
@endif @endif @else
{{ __('staticwords.Please') }} {{ __('staticwords.Login') }} {{ __('staticwords.toratethisproduct') }}
{{ __('staticwords.recReviews') }}

{{ round($overallrating,1) }}

{{ __('staticwords.OverallRating') }}
@php $review_t = 0; $price_t = 0; $value_t = 0; $sub_total = 0; $sub_total = 0; $reviews2 = App\UserReview::where('pro_id', $pro->id)->where('status', '1')->get(); @endphp @if(!empty($reviews2[0])) @php $count = App\UserReview::where('pro_id', $pro->id)->count(); foreach ($reviews2 as $review) { $review_t = $review->price * 5; $price_t = $review->price * 5; $value_t = $review->value * 5; $sub_total = $sub_total + $review_t + $price_t + $value_t; } $count = ($count * 3) * 5; $rat = $sub_total / $count; $ratings_var2 = ($rat * 100) / 5; @endphp
{{ __('No Rating') }}
{{$count = count($pro->reviews)}} Ratings & {{$reviewcount}} reviews
{{ $qualityprogress }}%
{{ $priceprogress }}%
{{ $valueprogress }}%


{{ __('staticwords.SatisfiedCustomer') }}

{{ __('staticwords.customerText') }}

@foreach($pro->reviews->take(5) as $review) @if($review->status == "1")
@if($review->users->image !='') @else @endif

{{ $review->users->name }}

{{ __('On') }} {{ date('jS M Y',strtotime($review->created_at)) }}
{{ $review->review }}

@endif @endforeach
@endif @endauth

{{ __('staticwords.RecentComments') }}

@forelse($pro->comments as $key=> $comment)
{{ $comment->name }}
{{ $comment->created_at->diffForHumans() }}
{{ $comment->name }}

{!! $comment->comment !!}


{{ __("staticwords.NoCommentProduct") }}

@endforelse @if(count($pro->comments)>5)

{{ __('staticwords.LeaveAComment') }}
We'll never share your email with anyone else. {{$errors->first('email')}}
@forelse($pro->faq as $qid => $fq)
[Q.{{ $qid+1 }}] {{ $fq->question }}

{!! $fq->answer !!}


{{ __('staticwords.NOFAQ') }}

{{ __('staticwords.RelatedProducts') }}

@endsection @section('script') @include('front.detailpagescript')