@extends("front.layout.master") @section('meta_tags')
{{ __('staticwords.Affordable solutions for a more welcoming workplace') }}
{{ __('staticwords.We help create beautiful spaces on a budget') }}.
{{ __('staticwords.Choose from 100,000+ pieces of art or create your own custom prints') }}.
{{ __('staticwords.Small Business Specialists Text Message') }}.
{{ __('staticwords.We will Curate For You Text Message') }}.
{{ __('staticwords.DiscoverWorldOriginalPaintingsSale')}}
@if($row->description != '') {!! html_entity_decode(substr($row->description, 0, 40)) !!} @if(strlen($row->description) >40) . {{ __('staticwords.readmore') }} {!!html_entity_decode(substr($row->description,40)) !!} @endif @endif
{{ __('staticwords.NeedHelpText2') }}
{{ __('staticwords.Click Here') }}{{ __('staticwords.FillUpForm') }}
{{ __('staticwords.You can also mail us') }}
{{ __('staticwords.Drop us a line') }} , {{ __('staticwords.We would love to hear from you') }}.
{{ __('staticwords.B2bContactText') }}.