Your order is confirmed.
| Hello, {{ $user->name }}, Thank you for shopping with Artinar! Your order is confirmed; soon you will have your painting in your hands. |
View your order details |
@foreach($neworder->invoices as $invoice)
{{ $invoice->simple_product->product_name }}
{{ $invoice->simple_product->size }}
{{ $invoice->simple_product->material }}
Item Price: {{ $paidcurrency }} {{ round($invoice->qty*$invoice->price+$invoice->tax_amount+$invoice->shipping,2) }}
Qty: {{ $invoice->qty }} |
@foreach($neworder->invoices as $invoice)
< | Subtotal: | $2398.00 | {{ __('Handling Charge:') }}: | {{ $paidcurrency }} + {{ $neworder->handlingcharge ? $neworder->handlingcharge : "0.00" }} | {{ __('Coupon Discount:') }}: | {{ $paidcurrency }} - {{ sprintf("%.2f",$neworder->discount) }} |
Order Total: | {{ $paidcurrency }} @if($neworder->discount != 0 ) {{ ($neworder->order_total-$neworder->discount)+$neworder->handlingcharge }} @else {{ $neworder->order_total+$neworder->handlingcharge }}@endif |
Billing Address
$c = App\Allcountry::where('id',$order->billing_address['country_id'])->first()->nicename;
$s = App\Allstate::where('id',$order->billing_address['state'])->first()->name;
$ci = App\Allcity::where('id',$order->billing_address['city'])->first() ? App\Allcity::where('id',$order->billing_address['city'])->first()->name : '';
{!! $order->billing_address['firstname']." "??"" !!}{!! strip_tags($order->billing_address['address'])." "??"" !!} {!! $ci." "??"" !!}{!! $s." "??"" !!} {!! $c." "??"" !!} Contact: {!! $order->billing_address['mobile']??"" !!}, {!! $order->billing_address['pincode']??"" !!}
Shipping Address |
$user = App\User::findorfail($order->user_id);
$c = App\Allcountry::where('id',$address->country_id)->first()->nicename;
$s = App\Allstate::where('id',$address->state_id)->first()->name;
$ci = App\Allcity::where('id',$address->city_id)->first() ? App\Allcity::where('id',$address->city_id)->first()->name : '';
{!! $address->name." "??"" !!}{!! strip_tags($address->address)." "??"" !!}{!! $ci." "??"" !!}{!! $s." "??"" !!} {!! $c." "??"" !!} Contact: {!! $address->phone??"" !!}, {!! $address->pin_code??"" !!} |
Due to impact of COVID-19,it may take longer than usual to process the order. |