@extends("admin/layouts.master-soyuz") @section('title','Create '.$findpro->name.' variant | ') @section("body")
# | Option Names | Option Value | Action |
{{ $i }} | @php $key = '_'; @endphp @if (strpos($opt->getattrname->attr_name, $key) == false) {{ $opt->getattrname->attr_name }} @else {{str_replace('_', ' ', $opt->getattrname->attr_name)}} @endif | @foreach($opt->attr_value as $value) @php $originalvalue = App\ProductValues::where('id',$value)->get(); @endphp @foreach($originalvalue as $value) @if($value->unit_value !=null && strcasecmp($value->unit_value, $value->values) != 0) @if($value->proattr->attr_name == "Color" || $value->proattr->attr_name == "Colour") {{ $value->values }} @else {{$value->values}}{{ $value->unit_value }}, @endif @else {{$value->values}}, @endif @endforeach @endforeach |
Do you really want to delete this variant? This process cannot be undone.
Do you really want to delete this variant? This process cannot be undone.
Do you really want to delete this variant? This process cannot be undone.