@extends('admin.layouts.master-soyuz') @section('title','SMS Settings | ') @section('body') @component('admin.component.breadcumb',['thirdactive' => 'active']) @slot('heading') {{ __('SMS Settings') }} @endslot @slot('menu2') {{ __("SMS Settings") }} @endslot @endcomponent
@if ($errors->any()) @endif
{{ __('SMS Channels') }}

{{ __('Important note :') }}
  • Twillo Only send SMS if user did not opt for DND Services.
  • Twillo trail will send sms only to verified no.
{{ __('Important note :') }}
  • MSG91 Only send SMS if user did not opt for DND Services.
  • If msg not delivering to customer than make sure he/she updated phonecode in his/her profile.
@foreach ($settings as $row)

{{ucfirst( $row->key) }} {{ __('SMS Settings :') }}

@if($row->key != 'orders')
@if($row->key != 'orders')


Toggle to activate the MSG-91.
@if(Module::has('MimSms') && Module::find('MimSms')->isEnabled())

@endsection @section('custom-script') @endsection