@extends('admin.layouts.master-soyuz') @section('title','Currency List & Other Setting | ') @section('body') @component('admin.component.breadcumb',['thirdactive' => 'active']) @slot('heading') {{ __('Currency') }} @endslot @slot('menu2') {{ __("Currency") }} @endslot @endcomponent
{{ $error}}
@endforeachIf you enter additional fee for ex. 2 and your currency rate is 1 than at time of conversion total conversion rate will be 3 and new rate will be convert accroding to this conversion rate. It will not work on if above toggle is off.
USD Rate display here will be 1 (Because open exchange free api key a/c only consider base currency as USD if you want to upgrade to Open exchange pro a/c than base currency can be changed) but at the time of conversion it take original rate like you converting an amount of 1 EURO to USD than price will be multiplies from Standard rate.
# | Currency | Rate | Additional Fee | Currency Symbol | Action |